14th NEM General Assembly
Istanbul, 16 October 2012The 14th NEM General Assembly will be held in Istanbul on 16 October 2012 and collocated with NEM Summit 2012
Venue: Sheraton Hotel Atakoy – Sahilyolu Cad.,Ataköy Istanbul, 34158 Turkey
14:00 – 14:15 Welcome and overview of NEM Initiative activities, Jean-Dominique Meunier (Technicolor, NEM Chairmann)
14:15 – 14:45 NEM topics in upcoming FP7 Call 10, Lorena Boix Alonso (EC, Head of Unit "Converging Media & Content")
14:45 – 15:00 Research on NEMinTurkey, Kivanc Tos (Tubitak)
15:00 – 15:15 Results and opportunities of THESEUS research programme, Thomas Niessen (THESEUS office director)
15:15 – 15:30 Celtic Plus R&D programme, Jacques Magen (Celtic Plus Chairman)
15:30 – 15:45 NeSoc project: NEM and Networked Society activities, David Kennedy (Eurescom, NetSoc project coordinator)
15:45 – 16:15 Break
16:15 – 16:30 NEM position paper on 3D, Atanas Gotchev (Tampere University of Technology )
16:30 – 17:30 Expression of interest by NEM members for creation of project proposals and consortiums for FP7 Call 10 (Moderator: Halid Hrasnica – Eurescom, NEM Secretariat)
- Media holodecks for hyperlocal communities, Alexandru Stan (IN2 Search Interfaces Development ltd.)
- Remote Collaboration between Professionals, Patrick Candry (Barco)
- Research interests and prospective contributions of international multimedia content provider Deutsche Welle, Jochen Spangenberg & Birgit Gray (Deutsche Welle)
- Madrid ICT-Audiovisual Cluster looking for partner, Verónica Buey Cieslak (will be presented by Jean-Dominique Meunier, Technicolor)
- Game developers in FP7 projects, Jari-Pekka Kaleva (EGDF)
- Social-TV and Cross-media Experiences, Amela Karahasanovic (SINTEF)
- Projects and partners needs for call 10, Michele Wilmet (JCP Consult)
- Complement NEM Projects with Social and Human Sciences Research, Hadmut Holken (LabSIC/Paris13 University and MSH-PN representative)
17:30 – 17:50 Ideal-ist, Your Worldwide ICT Support Network, Myer Morron (IDEALIST)
17:50 – 18:00 Collaboration needs with content industries through the eyes of NEM members, Hadmut Holken (Holken Consultants & Parnters)
from 18:30 – Welcoming NEM Summit cocktail