5th NEM General Assembly
held on 22nd and 23rd October 2007 in BrusselsVenue: Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre, Avenue du Boulevard 17, B-1210 Brussels, Belgium
The 5th General Assembly of the NEM Initiative was held in Brussels, Belgium on 22nd and 23rd October 2007. Around 100 representatives from various companies and organisations attended the 5th NEM General Assembly. Presentations and summary of discussions from the General Assembly can be found below.
Mr. David Kennedy (Eurescom) welcomed the participants of the 5th NEM General Assembly and introduced new NEM Executive Director Mr. Jean-Dominique Meunier (Thomson), recently elected by NEM Executive Group after former NEM Executive Director Jean-Michel Dupont (Thomson) resigned from this position due to change within Thomson organisation. Mr. Meunier introduced himself to the participants of the 5th NEM General Assembly and presented briefly NEM challenges, achieved results in previous period, and NEM perspectives in the next period 2008 – 2010 – presentation slides available here.
Results, trends and prospects for Networked Media Research in the Framework Programme EU, presentation by Luis Rodríguez-Roselló, Head of Unit Networked Media – EC
Intelligent content and creativity in FP7: current developments and prospects, presentation by Stefano Bertolo, Content and Knowledge Unit – EC
NEM Summit planning, presentation by Roger Torrenti, Homega-Research
EC Task Force on Networked Media: long term research, presentation by Prof. Nadia M. Thalmann, MIRALAB – University of Geneva
NEM Position Paper on “Mobile TV”, presentation by Andrew Oliphant, NEM Vice-chair, on behalf of David Wood, EBU
Mr. Rodríguez-Roselló (EC) appreciated efforts, done by the NEM Initiative in creation of the Position Paper, and encouraged NEM community to publish their opinion and recommendations on similar issues also in the future. Due to changes in internal organization within his organisation, David Wood (EBU), who very successfully coordinated the NEM Regulatory WG in the last period, will not be able to perform this function in the future.
NEM Vision – Version 2007, presentation by Maddy Janse, Philips
NEM Strategic Research Agenda – Version 5.0, presentation by Andrew Oliphant, NEM Vice-chair
Open discussion, moderated by David Kennedy (Eurescom), was mainly focused on issues to be added in future versions of the NEM Strategic Research Agenda Document, as an appropriate way to present NEM related research challenges and with it to support creation of related research work programme on both European and national levels. Therefore, it is very important for NEM members to participate in creation of future SRA documents by actively contributing during the SRA preparation phases. Among others, the following issues were addressed by the General Assembly audience:
- Coverage of topics, addressed in the NEM SRA, by projects running in various work programmes (FP7, Celtic, national programmes, etc.)
- Link between NEM Vision and vision provided by EC Task Force on Networked Media (long term research) should be linked.
- Inputs and recommendations from NEM Regulatory WG should be considered in SRA
- Further new topics (or not yet enough evaluated) to be added in SRA, such as distributed control and DRM related issues
- Issues related to behaviour of human beings to be more considered in SRA
- Content related issues to be more represented in SRA and content creation industry and other related organisations to be more involved in NEM
- A competition to offer an incentive for young researchers to contribute to NEM
After a call for project presentations by NEM Office, 10 projects from the NEM area, invited to negotiations after submission to FP7 Call-1, were presented at the General Assembly. Project presentation slides are available here.
Implementation of NEM project strategic analysis, presented by Julian Sesena, Rose Vision
NEM Chairman: on NEM agenda for 2008, presented by Jean-Charles Hourcade, Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Thomson
Romanian NEM Initiative, presentation by Marius Enache, NEM Romania
NEM Position Papers, presentation by Pierre-Yves Danet, France Telecom
Activities of the following NEM clusters were presented at the General Assembly:
- MCS, by Jean-Charles Point, JCP Consult (Presentation available here)
- NEM Content, by Franc Kozamernik, EBU – on behalf of David Wood (Presentation available here)
- Global NEM, by Julian Sesena, Rose Vision (Presentation available here)
- Future Internet, by David Kennedy, Eurescom (previous activities, planning of workshop and position paper)
All NEM members are encouraged to join the NEM Clusters (relevant information is available on the NEM website: www.nem-initiative.org) to actively participate in their work and in this way to directly influence further versions of NEM strategic documents, such as Vision, SRA, etc.