ELAN Network (European & Latin American Technology Based Business Network)

ELAN Network is an initiative funded by the European Commission to generate tech-based business opportunities between Europe and Latin America & the Caribbean, as well as create strategic partnerships between intermediary organisations to enable these business opportunities to occur more systematically. More information: http://www.elannetwork.org/

Our Network of 57 partners across Europe and Latin America can help you find good partners faster. Currently we are working with other complementary European initiatives because we believe that by collaborating closely we can be more effective and successful in the achievement of our common goals.

Among other activities, ELAN Network organises networking events in Latin America (see calendar <http://www.elannetwork.org/content/events-calendar-2017> ) and we would like to discuss with you if any of these are of you and your partners interest, and both within the context of these events and outside them, how we can help you achieve your goals.

In particular, we think you might be interested in the ELAN Network events,

  • Argentina 2017 “New technological businesses between Europe and Argentina to address challenges in Industry 4.0, Renewable Energy and ICT” <http://www.elannetwork.org/content/2017-argentina-event> that is scheduled for the 27/28 of June in Buenos Aires.
  • Colombia 2017ICT for Challenges of the 21st Century”, 14-15 November in Bogotá. The event will be coordinated with 20th TCI Global Conference <http://www.tci-network.org/tci2017> .

Some remarkable details are:

  • The aim of this event is to create spaces that promote the generation of technology-based businesses between Europe and Latin America, in order to address the main challenges of the country.
  • It will involve the participation of the main actors of the private sector, the State, and the academy from Latin America and Europe focused on sustainable local management.
  • The event is free (registration is required) and we have limited number of travel purses available to European attendees.
  • The two-days event has activities focused on:
    • Identifying the current situation of the country challenges.
    • Promoting the creation of networks between the attendees to the event, encouraging the technological development and the creation of strategic alliances.
    • Sharing public and private initiatives in the country, as well as exchange successful experiences.
    • Presenting the technological capabilities of European companies that address the challenges of the country.
    • Generating bilateral meetings between potential European and Latin American partners, in order to promote the co-generation of concrete opportunities, through a Business Roundtable.
    • Training attending organisations through practical workshops and sessions.

During 2016 these events have been able to identify roughly 200 Technology Based Business Opportunities in each event, which were developed at a later stage with the support of the ELAN Network.

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