Elections for Members of NEM Steering Board

Members of the New NEM Steering Board

–  elected at the NEM Summit 2023 in Zagreb on 24/25 May 2023 –

  • Pilar Orero, University of Barcelona
  • Artur Krukowski, Intracom Telecom
  • Thorsten Herfet, Saarland University
  • José Manuel Menéndez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Jeremy Lacoche, Orange
  • Simon Delaere, imec-SMIT
  • Andrew Perkis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Malte Behrmann, bbw Hochschule
  • Halid Hrasnica, Eurescom
  • Jovanka Adzic, Telecom Italia
  • James Clarke, South East Technological University
  • Silvia Boi, Engineering
  • Hadmut Holken, Holken Consultants & Partners
  • Sergi Fernandez, i2cat
  • David Gal-Regniez, Minalogic
  • Mike Matton, Vlaamse Radio- en Televisieomroeporganisatie
  • Luis Almeida, Centro de Computação Gráfica (Portugal)
  • Giuseppe Amato, CNR

NEM Steering Board observer position: Hago Dafalla, University of Gezira (Sudan)


Call for Nomination of Candidates

In accordance with Governance Model of the NEM Initiative, members of NEM Steering Board are elected for a two-year term (exception was the Covid period, as already communicated). The term begins at the General Assembly where they are elected and ends at the corresponding General Assembly two years later. As the mandate of all current members of the NEM Steering Board expires, we are now inviting nominations of candidates for new NEM Steering Board members. The NEM SB members who are at the end of their term of office are also invited to nominate themselves for re-election.

There are 36 vacant positions for the NEM Steering Board, where a minimum number of positions is reserved for the following two NEM members categories:

  • Academia and Research, 6 positions
  • User and/or SME representation, 6 positions

All NEM member organizations are invited to nominate themselves for participation in the NEM Steering Board if they are willing to contribute the time and energy to help the NEM initiative succeed. The rules and schedule of the election procedure are shown below.

Processing of Candidates for NEM Steering Board

The NEM steering board positions are open to all organizations that are registered as a NEM member until 30 April 2023. The registration is free of charge and can be done through the NEM website at www.nem-initiative.org (exact link to the registration form: https://nem-initiative.org/structure-membership/).

Companies and organization being proposed for the Steering Board must demonstrate suitable competence and activities to justify their ability to represent this sector. Companies and organizations proposing themselves are requested to submit a short explanation (no more than two A4 pages in PDF format) about their suitability to become Steering Board members for a certain category, as well as name and function of person, who will potentially be its representative in the Steering Board. Any nomination must declare if they are nominating themselves for one of the particular members categories mentioned above, “Academia and Research” and “User and/or SME representation”, in which case the nominated candidates have to belong to this category in accordance with corresponding registration record in the NEM members’ data base.

NEM Executive Group is authorized to review the potential candidate qualifications for the vacant positions in the Steering Board they are applying for and, if a candidate clearly does not meet the requirements for the category, they have nominated themselves for, their nomination may be refused.

Important dates and application process:

  • 10 May 2023 – Deadline for nomination of candidates: All nominations have to be submitted, including the short explanation about company/organization’s suitability for a vacant position in the Steering Board, via e-mail to: contact([at])nem-initiative.org.
  •   – Afterwards – Review of candidates: NEM Executive group will review the suitability of the nominated companies or organizations for the positions available and consult the candidates if their nomination does not address the needs of the NEM initiative. (e.g. if a large industrial player has been nominated as an academic representative).
  •   – 17 May 2023 – Official announcement of the candidates: NEM members will be informed about official candidates for the NEM Steering Board.

Election rules at the General Assembly

  • – Each NEM member company registered as a NEM member by the 30 April 2023 and present at the NEM General Assembly / NEM Summit 2023 in Zagreb on 24/25 May 2023 will be entitled to vote.
  • – Election ballot papers will be provided for each member which will have one vote per Steering Board post available. A company will become a Steering Board member if it receives more votes than the other candidates.
  • – If any ballot is misused or altered in any way the vote will be considered spoiled and not included in the counted votes. If the number of candidates is less than or equal to the number of positions available the candidates will be deemed elected without a ballot.
  • – Upon recommendation from the NEM Executive Group, the Steering Board reserves the right to change the number of posts available in the steering board in the interest of having the optimal participation in the steering board.
  • – The elections will be carried out on at the NEM Summit 2023 in Zagreb on 24/25 May 2023 and the election results will be announced on the day of elections.
  • – The elections will be carried out by NEM Secretariat and NEM Election Board, which will be established by the NEM Executive Group

Election procedure:

1) First 24 organizations are directly elected according to number of received votes.

2) If there are less than 6 elected representatives of Academia and Research institutions, open positions are filled by organizations from this category according to number of received votes.

3) If there are less than 6 elected representatives in User view and SME category, open positions are filled by organisations from this category according to number of received votes.

4) If there are remaining open Steering Board positions further organizations (up to total of 36 Steering Board members) are elected among all applicants according to number of received votes


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