Elections of the new NEM Steering Board (2018-2020)
The NEM Steering Board for the term in office from spring 2018 until spring 2020 was elected on 29th may 2018 in Brussels, a day before the NEM GA. As the number of candidates for the new Steering Board was not higher than the number of open positions in the Steering Board, all proposed candidates have been elected by acclamation, in accordance with adopted election rules. The members of the new NEM Steering Board are:
- ATI Credentials (ati.hr), Sven Semencic
- ATOS (https://atos.net/en/), Francesco D’Andria
- Barco (barco.com), Patrick Candry
- BBC (http://www.bbc.com/), Judy Parnall
- Engineering (https://www.eng.it/), Silvia Boi
- Eurescom GmbH (eurescom.eu), Halid Hrasnica
- FINCONS GROUP (http://www.finconsgroup.com/), Giacomo Inches
- Frankfurter Buchmesse (https://www.book-fair.com/en/), Nina Klein
- Orange (orange.com), Pierre-Yves Danet
- Smart Digital Enternainment (https://www.ilion.com/), Marta Izquierdo Vaquero
- SWISS TXT AG (http://www.swisstxt.ch), Robin Ribback
- Technicolor (https://www.technicolor.com/), Jean-Dominique Meunier
- Telecom Italia (http://www.telecomitalia.com/tit/en.html), Jovanka Adzic
- De Vlaamse Radio- en Televisieomroeporganisatie (https://www.vrt.be/en/), Mike Matton
Academia and research:
- bbw Hochschule (bbw-hochschule.de), Malte Behrmann
- Eurecat (eurecat.org), Monica Caballero
- i2CAT (http://www.i2cat.net/), Sergi Fernandez
- Imec (http://smit.vub.ac.be/), Simon Delaere
- INRIA (https://www.inria.fr/), Fabien Lotte
- IRT (https://www.irt.de/en/home/), Ralf Neudel
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology (ntnu.edu), Andrew Perkis
- Saarland University (https://saarland-informatics-campus.de/en/), Thorsten Herfet
- Tecnalia (tecnalia.com), Jesus Santamaria
- Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (http://www.uab.cat/), Pilar Orero
- Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (gatv.ssr.upm.es), David Jimenez
- Waterford institute of Technology (http://www.wit.ie), James Clarke
SMEs and Clusters:
- Holken Consultants & Partners (http://www.holkenconsultants.com/en/), Hadmut Holken
- IN2 (https://in-two.com/), Alexandru Stan
- Media Deals (http://www.media-deals.org/), Thierry Baujard
- SuperCity (http://supercitys.com/), Mery Glez
- T6 Ecosystems (t-6.it), Simona De Rosa
- Virtualware (http://virtualwaregroup.com/), Jon Arambarri
- Cap Digital (http://www.capdigital.com/en/), Manuella Portier
- Federation of European Publishers (https://fep-fee.eu/), Enrico Turrin
- Images & Réseaux (http://www.images-et-reseaux.com), Gérard Le Bihan
- Imaginove (http://www.imaginove.fr/en/), Vera Ovcharenko
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