Enhancing Awareness on Disinformation: The Role of Fact-checkers, Researchers and Media

This Connect University online session will highlight the importance of supporting various forms of the fight against disinformation and debunking false news, e.g. fact checking, data driven journalism and quality journalism, as well empowering civil society and independent researchers.

fake news visual

The utmost goal is to hinder the spread of disinformation and manipulation of public opinion. What should be the responsibilities of the media among the different actors (e.g. tech companies, platforms, regulators, civil society, etc.) in tackling disinformation? How could the media sector effectively cooperate with the other actors to achieve this goal and to ensure the plurality of information?


  • Paolo Cesarini, Head of Unit DG CONNECT I4 Media Convergence and Social Media
  • Liz Corbin, Deputy Director Media and Head of News at European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Geneva
  • Gregoire Lemarchand, AFP Fact Check
  • Marc Sundermann, Senior Fellow & Project Director at Fondation EURACTIV Europe’s Media Lab, Former Bertelsmann representative, former member of the High-Level Expert Group on disinformation.
  • Chiara Sighele Project coordinator, European Data Journalism Network

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16 July from 14:00 until 16:00

Background information

This session is part of the Connect University initiative “Tackling online disinformation”. For previous recordings please check the CONNECT University video space.

Connect University is the flagship of DG Connect which aims to inform about the latest digital trends and challenges which are highly linked with EU’s relevant policies and serve as a platform for sharing knowledge through thematic discussions, workshops and seminars.

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