G1 | Content Convergence | 3D LIFE (project ended) | NoE in 3D | www.3dlife-noe.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | 3D-PITOTI | 3D acquisition, processing and presentation of prehistoric European rock-art | www.3r-pitoti.eu |
G1 | Content Exploitation | 3DTVS | 3D content description and retrieval | www.3dtvs-project.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | 4C | Collaboration to Clarify the Costs of Curation | www.4cproject.eu |
G1 | Content Convergence | ACTION-TV | TV content interaction, social networks | www.action-tv.net |
G2 | Creativtiy | APARSEN | Alliance Permanent Access to the Records of Science in Europe Network | www.alliancepermanentaccess.org/current-projects/aparsen |
G1 | Media Rights | ARROW PLUS (project ended) | IPR on orphan books | www.arrow-net.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | AthenaPlus | Access to cultural heritage networks for Europeana | www.athenaplus.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | AXES | Access to Audiovisual Archives | www.axes-project.eu |
G1 | Content Convergence | BRIDGET | Sync | www.ict-bridget.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | c-Space | An affordable tool to turn the space surrounding us into a creative experience | www.c-spaceproject.eu |
G1 | Content Convergence | COMPEIT | Interactive, social connections | www.compeit.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | CONCEPT | COllaborative CrEative design PlaTform | www.concept-fp7.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | CRE - AM | Creativity REsearch Adaptive roadmap | www.ict-cream.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | CREAM | CReativity Enhancement through Advanced brain Mapping and stimulation | www.ict-cream.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | CREATIF | Digital creative tools for digital printing of smart fabrics | www.www.creatif.ecs.soton.ac.uk |
G1 | Content Exploitation | CROWDREC | Recommendation systems | www.crowdrec.eu |
G1 | Content Exploitation | CUBRIK | search of multimedia content | www.cubrikproject.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | Daguerreobase | Collective cataloging tool for daguerreotypes | www.daguerreboase.org |
G2 | Creativtiy | DAVID | Digital AV Media Damage Prevention and Repair | www.david-preservation.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | DM2E | DM2E has two primary aims: to enable as many content providers as possible to get their data into Europeana and to stimulate the creation of new tools and services for re-use of Europeana data in the Digital Humanities. | www.dm2e.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | Dr Inventor | Promoting Scientific Creativity by Utilising Web-based Research Objects | www.drinventor.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | DuraArK | Durable Architectural Knowledge | www.duraark.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | E-ARK | European Archival Records and Knowledge Preservation | www.eark-project.com |
G2 | Creativtiy | EAGLE | Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy | EAGLE |
G2 | Creativtiy | EEXCESS | Enhancing Europe's eXchange in Cultural Educational and Scientific Resources | www.eexcess.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | EU-INSIDE | EU-INSIDE - to open up a significant critical-mass of new digital cultural content from European cultural institutions for delivery through Europeana | www.europeana-inside.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | Europeana 1914-1918 | Europeana 1914-1918 - Remembering the First World War – a digital collection of outstanding sources from European national libraries | www.europeana-collections-1914-1918.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | Europeana Creative | Europeana Creative will support and promote the re-use of cultural resources available via Europeana | pro.europeana.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | Europeana Newspapers | Europeana Newspapers - A Gateway to European Newspapers Online | www.europeana-newspapers.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | Europeana Space | Spaces of possibility for the creative re-use of Europeana’s content | Europeana Space |
G2 | Creativtiy | EuropeanPhotography | EUROPEAN Ancient PHOTOgraphic vintaGe repositoRies of digitAized Pictures of Historical quality | www.europeana-photography.eu |
G1 | Content Convergence | FASCINATE (project ended) | Immersive navigation, 2nd screen | www.fascinate-project.eu |
E3 | Future Internet | FI Content | FI-CONTENT 2 (Phase 2) is the FI-PPP (Future Internet Public Private Partnership) use case project at the crossroads of content, media, networks and creativity. It aims at developing and experimenting across Europe cutting-edge ICT platforms for applications and services in the areas of social connected TV, smart city services, and pervasive games | www.ficontent.eu |
G1 | Content Convergence | FINE (project ended) | Free view point, combination of sources, 2nd screen | www.porjectfine.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | ForgetIT | Concise Preservation by combining Managed Forgetting and Contextualized Remembering | www.forgetit-project.eu |
G1 | Media Rights | FORWARD | IPR on orphan AV works | www.project-forward.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | GiantSteps | Seven League Boots for Music Creation and Performance | mtg.upf.edu/projects/giantsteps |
G1 | Content Convergence | GLOBAL ITV | Hybrid TV interoperability | www.global-itv.com |
G1 | Content Convergence | HBB-NEXT (project ending) | Sync | www.hbb-next.eu |
G1 | Content Convergence | i3 | Impact Innovate Invest identifies promising solutions in the European social media research sector, and help their makers to evaluate technology and business potential for a viable go2market strategy. | www.i3project.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | i-Treasures | Intangible Treasures - Capturing the Intangible Cultural Heritage and Learning the Rare Know-How of Living Human Treasures | www.i-treasures.eu |
G1 | Content Convergence | ICOSOLE | Combination content different sources, HbbTV | www.icosole.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | IdeaGarden | An Interactive Learning Environment Fostering Creativity | www.idea-garden.org |
G1 | Content Exploitation | inEVENT | Hyperevent | www.inevent-project.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | INSIDDE | INtegration of cost-effective Solutions for Imaging, Detection, and Digitisation of hidden Elements in paintings | www.insidde-fp7.eu |
G1 | Content Convergence | LINKED TV | 2nd screen | www.linkedtv.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | LoCloud | Local content in a Europeana cloud | LoCloud |
G2 | Creativtiy | M C SQUARED | A Computational Environment to Stimulate and Enhance Creative Designs for Mathematical Creativity | www.mc2-project.ue |
G2 | Creativtiy | MAGELLAN | a Multimodal Authoring and Gaming Environment for Location-based coLlaborative AdveNtures | www.magellan.diginext.fr |
G2 | Creativtiy | MAXICULTURE | MAXimising the Impact of CULTUral REsearch projects | www.maxiculture.eu |
G1 | Content Convergence | MEDIASCAPE | Content delivery ATAWAD | www.mediascapeproject.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | meSch | Material Encounters with Digital Cultural Heritage | www.mesch-project.eu |
G1 | Content Convergence | NUBOMEDIA | PaaS for interactive multimedia creation | www.nubomedia.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | PHENICX | Performances as Highly Enriched aNd Interactive Concert eXperiences | www.phenixc.upf.edu |
G2 | Creativtiy | PREFORMA | PREservation FORMAts for culture information/e-archives | www.preforma-project.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | PRESIOUS | P REdictive digitization, reStoration and degradatIOn assessment of cultUral heritage objectS | www.presious.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | Presto4U | European Technology for Digital Audiovisual Media Preservation | www.prestocentre.org |
G1 | Media Rights | RDI | Integration of licence information standards | www.rdi-project.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | RE@CT | Immersive production and delivery of interactive 3D content | www.react-project.eu |
G1 | Content Exploitation | REVEAL | Trust on content, contribuitor and context | www.reveal-project.eu |
G1 | Content Convergence | REVERIE | Immersive env | www.reveriefp7.eu
G2 | Creativtiy | Rovina | Robots for Exploration, Digital Preservation and Visualization of Archeological Sites | www.rovina-project.eu |
G1 | Content Convergence | SA EMC2 | SA in 3D | www.emc-square.org |
G1 | Content Convergence | SAM | content sync | www.socialisingaroundmedia.com |
G2 | Creativtiy | SCENE | Novel Scene representations for richer networked media | www.3d-scene.eu |
G1 | Content Exploitation | SOCIALSENSOR | Trust on content, contribuitor and context | www.socialsensor.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | SUCCEED | SUpport action Centre of CompEtEnce in Digitisation | www.succeed-project.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | TAG CLOUD | Technologies lead to Adaptability & lifelong enGagement with culture throughout the CLOUD | www.tagcloudproject.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | The Europeana Fashion best practice network | The Europeana Fashion best practice network aims at aggregating and harmonizing existing digital content coming from the most important and interesting public and private European fashion collections, ingesting this fashion-related content into Europeana | www.europeanafashion.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | TISP | Technology and Innovation for Smart Publishing | www.smartbook-tisp.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | tranScriptorium | Innovative, efficient and cost-effective solutions for the indexing, search and full transcription of historical handwritten document images | www.transcriptorium.eu |
G1 | Content Convergence | TV-RING | HbbTV testbed | www.tvring.eu |
G1 | Content Exploitation | UCN | User centric arch for personalised services | www.usercentricnetworking.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | V-MusT.net | Virtual Museum Transnational Network | www.v-must.net |
E3 | Networked Media | Vconect | The Vconect vision is the adoption of high-quality enriched video as a medium for mass communication within communities. Vconect is building a video communication platform which models and supports the complex communication topologies that characterise conversations between group members. | www.vconect-project.eu |
G2 | Creativtiy | VENTURI | ImmersiVe ENhancemenT of User-woRld Interactions | www.venturi.fbk.eu/project |
G2 | Creativtiy | WHIM | The What-If Machine | www.whim-project.eu |