Selected NEM Art Contributions

45 contributions have been received for the NEM Art & Design Competition and the following three have been selected by the NEM Art jury for presentation at the NEM Summit 2016:

  • Thiemo Kastel – Kastel Media – CEO
    VR/AR Training App for Theatre and Film Actors
  • Wendy Ann Mansilla, Andrew Perkis – Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Bushra Kelsey-Burge – Bushra Burge Studio – Creative Director
    Dark Matter Dark Energy

The selected three contributions were presented in the exhibition area of the NEM Summit 2016 and during its closing serssions. Afterwards, the NEM Art jury made decision about NEM Art winner for 2016.

The winner of the NEM Art & Design competition 2016 is


presented by Andrew Perkis – Norwegian University of Science and Technology.


The NEM Art & Design Competition

is an opportunity for Innovative Technologists and Artists from Europe to submit their own creations, utilizing new technologies such as Immersive (Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality), Artificial Intelligence & Machine
Learning, Digital Manufacturing (e.g. 3D Printing), Internet of Things and Blockchain / Smart Contracts to illustrate how life and creative businesses can benefit from emerging technologies, inspiring new applications for tomorrow, and developing new opportunities for imaginative creativity.

Are you a technology geek, an artist, a pair of artists & technologists, a graphical designer, or just someone interested by 3D and virtual worlds, by the Internet and other communications networks, by music and images? This contest is for you!

Submit or illustrate your creation through a video, illustrator or any other animated virtual/real content, a picture and text not later than 19 October 2016 to NEMart([at]) (and contact us at this address should you have any questions or need any further information). Keep in mind that your work should be easily made available on a website (through a video or any other means).

You will be informed before 25 October 2016 if the NEM Jury accepts your creation. In this case it will be highlighted on the NEM Initiative website and will be displayed in the exhibition area of the 2016 NEM Summit to which you will be invited. The Summit will be an opportunity for those selected to showcase their creations, along with an announcement of the NEM Art & Design Competition overall winner for 2016 (a prize of 3000 euros to be shared by awarded candidates). The selected pieces (together with details about their authors) will be given a strong visibility on the NEM Initiative website for the next year.

Orange is Platinum sponsor of the NEM Summit 2016.


The NEM Summit 2016 is supported by


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