NEM Summit 2004 – Program Outline

“Emerging virtual worlds for a new digital society”

in Brussels on 23/24 October 2024

@ VRT (Vlaamse Radio- en Televisieomroeporganisatie) Headquarter

Opening session

  • Key-note address by Anne Bajart, Deputy Head of EC Unit G.2: Interactive technologies, Digital for Culture & Education
  • Volker Ziegler (Nokia) “Path to 6G era platform and XR future”
  • Katleen Gabriels (University of Maastricht) “Ethical virtual worlds”

Panel discussions

  • AI for Virtual Worlds – Sponsored by the FAIR Foundation (
  • Perspectives on Virtual Worlds; industrial, human, and artistic

Focused sessions

  • Current European research on Virtual Worlds, organized by I2CAT
    • by Deutsche Welle, Uni Cagliari, Joaneum Research, TNO, and others
  • Accessible communication and inclusive democracy in virtual worlds
    • by University of Barcelona and others
  • The future of the Web is immersive
    • by Digital Media & Communications, TU Delft, and W3C

Further information about the program and registration will be available soon!

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