The Investment Forum is organised in cooperation with the WeHubs project, the #MusicBricks project, Orange, the Börsenverein, the NEM Initiative and the Frankfurt Book Fair.
New exciting opportunity arises for start-ups in the creative and digital media sectors, including creative industries, including publishing sector.
Hall: 3. Via West, Room Facette
2:00-3:00 pm Panel – Access to Finance for digital media and publishing companies
In the framework of the WeHubs project – the first European Network of Women Web Entrepreneurs Hubs – H2020 programme.
Panel discussion of 40 min + 10 min Q&A
The panel covers the key issues regarding Access to Finance in the digital media sectors. It explores the opportunities and challenges related to investment from the point of view of women investors. Women equity investors will share their experience and provide insights on various funding opportunities in order to reinforce financial understanding and support young entrepreneurs to secure funds. The panel discussion will be prolonged by a Questions and Answers session with the audience.
Tanja Emmerling, High-Tech Gründerfonds
Susan Simnet, Angel Academe, London
Dagmar Bottenbruch, Angel Investor
Marina Vukovic – Investment Manager, CommerzVentures
Florence Richardson, Femmes Business Angels
3:00 – 5:30 Investment Pitch
10 European startups (innovative and scalable business model; seeking up to 1,5m€) will pitch to a gender-balanced panel of European media & creative industries investors.
Format: 5 minutes pitch per company and 5 minutes Q&A following each pitch
Moderation: Thierry Baujard – CEO of Media Deals (Germany)
5:00 – 5:15 pm Presentation of FIBUSINESS, EU initiative providing business support to the 16 FIWARE accelerators
5:15-5:30 Closing remarks and networking

This event is organised in cooperation with the Wehubs project, Orange and #MusicBricks.