Human Factors and Usability for the Development and Validation of Immersive Environments

Human Factors and Usability for the Development and Validation of Immersive Environments

Expression of Interest description

We are a domain of applied research of the CCG, dedicated to the domains of Human Perception, Interaction, and Usability. Our work is focused on how human factors and ergonomics might affect the quality of interaction between users and digital systems (including audiovisual immersive systems). We position ourselves as an ideal complementary partner to carry out a user-centered approach to the study and development of immersive systems.
Our group has been using psychophysics (, for quick definition) as a tool to evaluate and adjust immersive systems to user’s visual and auditory particularities (eg. measurement of user’s distance perception in different VR sets and development of strategies to avoid abnormal distance perception errors; or measurement of user’s auditory location with different equipment in order to decide the best to use in acoustic VR).
Additionally we also conduct usability and ergonomic studies focus on the improvement of interaction performance in any digital system (immersive, desktop, mobile).

Selec. bibliography:
- Silva, C. et al. (2016) Choosing audio devices on the basis of Listeners Spatial Perception: A case study of Headphones vs In-earphones. IEEE 6th International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Berlin, 2016, pp. 129-132.
- Soares, F., et al. (2017). Traffic noise: Annoyance assessment of real and virtual sounds based on close proximity measurements. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 52, 399-407.
- Vieira, J., et al (2017). Kansei engineering as a tool for the design of in-vehicle rubber keypads. Applied Ergonomics, 61, 1-11
Our facilities include: a CAVE-like system with real-time auralization, a motion-capture system, eye-tracking equipment, and a head & torso simulator for binaural recordings.

We are interested in participate in H2020 ICT proposals (including ICT-23-2017 or ICT-20-2017) proposals, offering collaboration in the above mentioned areas.

Types of partners being sought
R&D, Academia, SEMs, and Industrial partners
Contact: Carlos Silva
Company: Centro de Computação Gráfica
Type of Organisation: Research
Country: Portugal
Telephone: 00351 915 299 342

Brief description of my Organisation

The CCG/ZGDV Association - Centre of Computer Graphics (CCG) was created in 1993 as a private, non-profit making association. Its principal mission is applied scientific and technological research in the area of Computer Graphic and Information Systems, and it focuses on the development of activities and participation in national and international R&TD projects. CCG has three constituent members: University of Minho (PT), ZGDV-Zentrum für Graphische Datenverarbeitung. (DE) and FEHST SGPS, S.A. (PT) as well as twenty one members from the business and associative sector. In order to promote R&TD in Computer Graphics and Information Systems as areas of its basic competence, CCG also assumed the role of a centre for technological transfer from the University of Minho to the Portuguese enterprises and other of institutions, like for example those in the public sector.

CCG has joined, as a founding member, the excellence network an International Network of Cooperation in Applied Research in Computer Graphics Technology, and Multimodal-Multimedia Visual Interactive Digital Technologies., the International Network for the Cooperation in Applied Research in Computer Graphics, Multimodal Technologies, Multimedia and Digital Visual Technologies Interactive is based in Kaiserslautern (Germany), and aim is to create a strong network of collaboration in applied research at international level. It has six partners of international reference from Germany (Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz - DFKI, Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institut – HHI, Hasso Plattner Institut - HPI), Spain (Center for Visual Interaction and Communication Technologies - VICOMTech), Italy (Center for Advanced Computer Graphics Technologies - GraphiTech), Portugal (Center for Computer Graphics: CCG) , Panama (Multimedia Interaction and Visualization Technologies (MIVTech) and France (CEA Tech LIST).

CCG’s R&D activities are based (and cross) four main domains of applied research: Computer Vision Interaction and Graphics; engineering process maturity and quality; Urban and Mobile Computing; Perception, usability and interaction.

Through fruitful collaborations along these years with several industrial and SMEs partners, CCG developed a valuable network of potential collaborators that may be brought to H2020 proposal consortiums.

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