21st NEM General Assembly in Brussels, 15 March 2016
09:00 – 09:15 Welcome, Jean-Dominique Meunier (Technicolor, NEM Chairman)
09:15 – 09:45 European Commission & Media and Creative Industries – Giuseppe Abbamonte, Director of Directorate General Media & Data , moderator: Jean-Dominique Meunier (Technicolor, NEM Chairman)
09:45 – 10:00 NEM Challenges 2016, Judy Parnall (BBC, NEM Vice-chair)
10:00 – 10:15 Next NEM Strategic Research and Innovation agenda, Pierre-Yves Danet (Orange, NEM Vice-chair)
10:15 – 10:30 Explanation of Steering Board election process, Halid Hrasnica (Eurescom)
10:30 – 11:00 Break
11:00 – 12:30 Workshop on NEM proposal for a PPP on Interactive and Immersive Content – I2C, moderator: Judy Parnall (BBC, NEM Vice-chair)
Aim of the session
- To update NEM members on the progress of the I2C PPP and future plans
- To give participants of the General Assembly the opportunity to provide inputs and feedbacks on the current PPP proposal
- To engage and inspire the NEM membership and to start to build a network of future ambassadors and collaborators for the PPP
Session programme
- Introduction and status of the PPP preparations, (Orange, NEM Vice-chair)
- Presentations of potential I2C use cases:
- Simon Gosling – Happy Finish
- Friederike Schultz – CCO Exozet
- James Valls and Kevin Bezant – Rebellion
- Interactive session:
- Six work stations for presentation and discussion of identified PPP activities
- Participants will move among the presented activities according to particular areas of interests
- Key questions to be addressed: What’s important, what’s missing, what’s irrelevant
- Summary of received feedback and next steps
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 – 14:15 NEM contribution to European Digital Single Market strategy, Enrico Turrin (Federation of European Publishers)
14:15 – 14:30 Presentation of Steering Board election results, Halid Hrasnica (Eurescom)
14:30 – 15:30 Expression of Interests from NEM members for creating project consortia, moderator: Halid Hrasnica (Eurescom, NEM Secretariat)
- Idealist network – helping to find project partners, Tatyana Lyadnova (Idealist)
- Serious Game that evolves along with the professional life and skills developed by the person throughout his life trajectory, Jon Arambarri (Virtualware)
- DataScouting – Actionable media intelligence information, Stavros Vologiannidis (DataScouting)
- Leveraging multimedia communications for creating a the next generation of multimedia content services, Luis Lopez (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
- Immersive Business Journalism / Commercialisaton Partner for Horizon 2020 Projects, Dirk Heilmann (Handelsblatt Research Institute)
- Phones and Tablets for Music Education in a collaborative Space, Nuria Lloret Romero (Polytechnic University of Valencia)
- Europe goes Virtual – European open mobile-streaming platform for immersive content, Thierry Baujard (Media deals)
- Multilingual Writing Robots applied to media development, Claude de Loupy (Syllabs)
- Team Potioc: popular interaction, spatial augmented reality and brain-computer interaction, Fabien Lotte (Inria)
- 8K technology – next generation of UHD visualisation, Maciej Strozyk (PSNC)
15:30 – 16:20 Project presentations
- R/O – Design the future of storytelling, Stéphanie Thirion (R/O)
- ACTION-TV project, Hemantha Kodikara Arachchi (University of Surrey)
- Conecta 2020 – Liaison between European and Latin American Technology Platforms in NEM areas, Tomas Piatrik (Queen Mary University of London)
- ImmersiaTV: an integrated toolset for the production and distribution of immersive and interactive content across devices, by Sergi Fernandez (I2CAT)
- Coordination and Support Action I3: Impact Innovate Invest, Andrea Nicolai
16:20 – 16:30 Closure of the General Assembly